Presentation of UHCO at the 4th meeting of EU OMC group

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Presentation of UHCO at the 4th meeting of EU OMC group "Strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change" 13-14 September 2021, by the Director of the Greek GEO Office Dr E. Gerasopoulos.


The Open Method of Coordination (OMC) Member States Working Group on Cultural Heritage has as a duty to identify and exchange good practices and innovative measures for the protection of cultural heritage (including both tangible and intangible) in relation to climate change. Moreover, it examines the current and emerging threats and impacts of climate change on cultural heritage, including cultural landscapes, discusses appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures, identifying potential risks & focus on building resilience of cultural heritage assets.

UHCO’s activities is very relevant to the objectives of the OMC-WG bringing in the EO aspect and serving as a global forum for multi – disciplinary approaches on addressing climate change impact on World Heritage Cities.

The presentation is available here