Presentation of UHCO GEO Community Activity at STRENCH 2nd International Conference
The Greek GEO Office participated in the virtual Final STRENCH International Conference (Strengthening resilience of Cultural Heritage at risk in a changing environment through proactive transnational cooperation) organized by ISAC-CNR, on 24th February 2022.
Dr. Evangelos Gerasopoulos, Director of the GGO and co-leader of the Urban Heritage Climate Observatory (UHCO) GEO Initiative, presented UHCO and participated in the discussions.
After a brief reference to UHCO launch, he elaborated on the necessity to bring together the different communities that study the urgency of climate change, the importance and vulnerability of cultural heritage and the prompt need for urban resilience, also bringing into the forefront the untapped potential of Earth Observations (EO) as one more weapon to compact climate change and its impacts on cultural heritage assets.
Last but not least, he referred to UHCO’s ongoing survey as a first step of the Initiative to frame fragmented information, data, projects, outcomes, and to facilitate the selection of pilot sites for UHCO’s global platform.
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